

Joint GSMS and RTG 2861Winterschool

January 22 to January 26, 2024 in Kirchberg in Tirol

Joint Workshop of Friedrich-Alexander University and TU Dresden.

The interdisciplinary program for doctoral researchers in Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Chemical Engineering, and Materials Science

Molecules rule – getting a better understanding by interdisciplinary research.

Successful research in a multidisciplinary and multinational team requires interdisciplinary and intercultural competences. Besides active research in an inspiring environment, the Graduate School Molecular Science provides special training for doctoral researchers within the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering. Doctoral students of the GSMS participate in advanced courses, lecture programs, workshops, yearly winter schools, and take advantage of the university’s special courses for personal development.


The graduate school is dedicated to raising excellently educated researchers in all fields that deal with molecules and their properties. With an intense lecture program, workshops, and a yearly winter school, a highly interdisciplinary training is ensured. By supporting the participation at international conferences and research programs, students of the GSMS get a broad understanding of research in their field, are integrated into an interdisciplinary and international community, and learn how to present their results.